WARNING: This web page only contains historical informations and
is not kept up to date.


A local unit of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica - INdAM (National Institute for Advanced Mathematics - http://www.altamatematica.it) is hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze. Prof. Cristina Caroli Costantini is the Director of this unit.

The aim of INdAM is to promote Italian research in Mathematics.

Members of the INdAM local unit are:

Amato Gianluca
Antonacci Flavia
Boffi Giandomenico
Bottalico Marco
Campli Paola
Caroli Costantini Cristina
Carpi Sebastiano
Ceci Claudia
Dall'Aglio Marco
Di Biase Fausto
D'Ippoliti Fernanda
Fioravanti Fabio
Meo M. Chiara
Mosca Raffaele
Moscardelli Luca
Parton Maurizio
Santini Francesco
Scozzari Francesca