Current-flow Centrality

Typically, geodesic (shortest) paths are considered in the definition of both closeness and betweenness. These are optimal paths with the lowest number of edges or, if the graph is weighted, paths with the smallest sum of edge weights. There are two drawbacks of this approach:

  1. all paths (even slightly) longer than the shortest ones are not considered at all;
  2. the actual number of shortest paths that lie among the two vertices is irrelevant.

In many applications, however, it is reasonable to consider the abundance and the length of all paths of the network, since communication on the network is enhanced as soon as more routes are possible, in particular if these pathways are short. For these reasons, the notions of closeness and betweenness have been generalized as follows. The network is imagined as a resistor network in which the edges are resistors and the nodes are junctions between resistors. In this view:

  1. two nodes are close if the difference of potential between them (or effective resistance) is low when a unit of current is injected at one node and removed at the other node;
  2. the betweenness of a node with respect to a pair of source and target nodes is proportional to the amount of current that flows though the node when a unit of current is injected at the source node and removed at the target node.

Let's work out the mathematical details of resistor networks and then apply them to current-flow closeness and betweenness centrality measures. Consider a connected undirected network in which each edge is assigned with a positive weight corresponding to the strength of the relationship between the nodes linked by the edge. The edges are viewed as resistors and the nodes as junctions between resistors. The edge weight is the conductance (the reciprocal of resistance) of the edge. Outlets are particular nodes where current enters and leaves the network. A vector $u$ called supply defines them: a node $i$ such that $u_i \neq 0$ is an outlet; in particular if $u_i > 0$ then node $i$ is a source and current enters the network through it, while if $u_i < 0$ then node $i$ is a target and current leaves the network through it. Since there should be as much current entering the network as leaving it, we have that $\sum_i u_i = 0$. We consider the case where a unit of current enters the network at a single source $s$ and leaves it at a single target $t$. That is, $u_{i}^{(s,t)} = 0$ for $i \neq s,t$, $u_{s}^{(s,t)} = 1$, and $u_{t}^{(s,t)} = -1$.

Let $v_{i}^{(s,t)}$ be the potential of node $i$, measured relative to any convenient reference potential, for source $s$ and target $t$ outlets. Kirchhoff's law of current conservation implies that the node potentials satisfy the following equation for every node $i$:

$\displaystyle{\sum_j A_{i,j} (v_{i}^{(s,t)} - v_{j}^{(s,t)}) = u_{i}^{(s,t)}}$

where $A$ is the weighted adjacency matrix of the network. Recall that Ohm's law says $V = R I$, where $V$ is the potential difference, $I$ the current intensity, and $R$ the resistance. That is $I = V / R = C V$, where $C = 1/R$ is conductance. By Ohm's law, the current flow through edge $(i,j)$ is the quantity $A_{i,j} (v_{i}^{(s,t)} - v_{j}^{(s,t)})$, that is, the difference of potentials between the involved nodes multiplied by the conductance of the edge: a positive value indicates that the current flows in a direction (say from $i$ to $j$), and negative value means that the current flows in the opposite direction. Hence, Krichhoff's law states that the current flowing in or out of any node is zero, with the exception of the source and target nodes. In matrix form, Kirchhoff law reads:

$\displaystyle{(D-A) v^{(s,t)} = Gv^{(s,t)} = u^{(s,t)}}$

where $D$ is a diagonal matrix such that the $i$-th element of the diagonal is equal to $\sum_j A_{i,j}$, that is, it is the (generalized) degree of node $i$. The matrix $G = D-A$ is called the graph Laplacian.

Notice that all rows of $G$ sum to 0, that is, $G e = 0$, where $e$ is a vector with all elements equal to 1. Hence 0 is an eigenvalue of $G$ corresponding to the eigenvector $e$, thus the determinant of $G$ is 0 and hence $G$ is not invertible. Nevertheless, a solution for the equation $Gv^{(s,t)} = u^{(s,t)}$ is given by the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse $G^+$ of $G$:

$\displaystyle{v^{(s,t)} = G^+ u^{(s,t)}}$

that is:

$\displaystyle{v_{i}^{(s,t)} = G_{i,s}^{+} - G_{i,t}^{+}}$

where the generalized inverse $G^+$ is obtained from $G$ as follows:


Therefore, the generalized inverse matrix $G^+$ contains information to compute all node potentials for any pair of source-target nodes.

The following figure depicts a resistor network with all resistances equal to unity. Each node is identified with a letter and is labelled with the value of its potential when a unit current is injected in node A and removed from node H. Each edge is labelled with the absolute current flowing on it (the absolute potential difference between the nodes of the edge). Notice that Kirchhoff's law is satisfied for each node. For instance, the current entering in node B is 0.47 (from node A) which equals the current leaving node B, which is again 0.47 (0.13 to E, 0.27 to F, and 0.07 to C). Moreover, the current leaving the source node A is 1, and the current entering the target node H is also 1. Notice that there is no current on the edge from C to D, since both nodes have the same potential.

We take advantage of the notion of resistor network to define current-flow closeness and betweenness. Given nodes $i$ and $j$, the resistance distance $R_{i,j}$ between $i$ and $j$ is the effective (or equivalent) resistance between $i$ and $j$ when a unit of current is injected from source $i$ and removed from target $j$. Since the current is unity, this is also the potential difference of nodes $i$ and $j$:

$\displaystyle{R_{i,j} = v_{i}^{(i,j)} - v_{j}^{(i,j)} = (G_{i,i}^{+} - G_{i,j}^{+}) - (G_{j,i}^{+} - G_{j,j}^{+}) = G_{i,i}^{+} + G_{j,j}^{+} - 2 G_{i,j}^{+}}$

(notice that $G$ and $G^+$ are both symmetric). In fact the resistance distance is a metric on the graph: $R_{i,j} > 0$ if $i \neq j$ and $R_{i,i} = 0$; $R_{i,j} = R_{j,i}$, and $R_{i,j} \leq R_{i,k} + R_{k,j}$. For instance, the resistance distance between A and H in the above graph is 2.14. Notice that this is smaller than the shortest-path distance between A and H, which is 3, since there are multiple paths connecting the two nodes.

The effective resistance of series and parallel circuits can be computed as follows:

  1. a series circuit is a circuit in which resistors are arranged in a chain, so the current has only one path to take. The current is the same through each resistor. The effective resistance of the circuit is found by simply adding up the resistance values of the individual resistors, that is $R = \sum_i R_i$. This comes easily from Ohm's law: $V = \sum_i V_i = \sum_i I R_i = I \sum_i R_i$ and hence $R = V / I = \sum_i R_i$. The higher the number of resistors in series, the higher the effective resistance;
  2. a parallel circuit is a circuit in which the resistors are arranged with their heads connected together, and their tails connected together. The current in a parallel circuit breaks up, with some flowing along each parallel branch and re-combining when the branches meet again. The potential difference across each resistor in parallel is the same. The effective resistance of a set of resistors in parallel is found by adding up the reciprocals of the resistance values, and then taking the reciprocal of the total, that is $1/ R = \sum_i 1/ R_i$. This comes easily from Ohm's law: $I = \sum_i I_i = \sum_i V / R_i = V \sum_i 1/ R_i$ and hence $R = V / I = 1/ \sum_i 1/ R_i$. Notice that $R < R_i$ for all $i$. The higher the number of resistors in parallel, the lower the effective resistance. Using an analogy, if you have a bath with a hole in the bottom it will empty. If you add another hole, no matter how small, the bath will always empty quicker, and hence the resistance will be lower.

Hence, the resistance distance (the effective resistance) between two nodes is short if there are many short paths connecting the two nodes.

Current-flow closeness centrality uses the notion of resistance distance. Hence, given two nodes $i$ and $j$, the distance between them is the resistance distance $R_{i,j}$. The mean distance $d_i$ of node $i$ from the other nodes is then defined by:

$\displaystyle{d_{i} = \frac{\sum_{j} R_{i,j}}{n}}$

and current-flow closeness centrality for node $i$ is:

$\displaystyle{c_i = \frac{1}{d_i} = \frac{n}{\sum_{j} R_{i,j}}}$

Using the generalized inverse of the Laplacian $G^+$ to express resistance distance, we have that the sum of all distances from node $i$ is equal to:

$\displaystyle{\sum_j R_{i,j} = n G_{i,i}^{+} + Tr(G^{+}) - 2 \sum_{j} G_{i,j}^{+} = n G_{i,i}^{+} + Tr(G^{+})}$

In the above equality we have used the fact that all rows of the generalized inverse $G^+$ sum to $0$, since $G$ and $G^+$ share the same nullspace. It follows that the mean distance of node $i$ is given by:

$\displaystyle{d_{i} = G_{i,i}^{+} + \frac{Tr(G^{+})}{n}}$

We next give the precise definition of current-flow betweenness centrality. As observed above, given a source $s$ and a target $t$, the absolute current flow through edge $(i,j)$ is the quantity $A_{i,j} |v_{i}^{(s,t)} - v_{j}^{(s,t)}|$. By Kirchhoff's law the current that enters a node is equal to the current that leaves the node. Hence, the current flow $F_{i}^{(s,t)}$ through a node $i$ different from the source $s$ and a target $t$ is half of the absolute flow on the edges incident in $i$:

$\displaystyle{F_{i}^{(s,t)} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_j A_{i,j} |v_{i}^{(s,t)} - v_{j}^{(s,t)}|}$

Moreover, the current flows $F_{s}^{(s,t)}$ and $F_{t}^{(s,t)}$ through both $s$ and $t$ are set to 1, if end-points of a path are considered part of the path, or to 0 otherwise. Since the potential $v_{i}^{(s,t)} = G_{i,s}^{+} - G_{i,t}^{+}$, with $G^+$ the generalized inverse of the graph Laplacian, the above equation can be expressed in terms of elements of $G^+$ as follows:

$\displaystyle{F_{i}^{(s,t)} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_j A_{i,j} |G_{i,s}^{+} - G_{i,t}^{+} + G_{j,t}^{+} - G_{j,s}^{+}|}$

The next figure gives an example. Each node is now labelled with the value of flow through it when a unit current is injected in node A and removed from node H. Each edge is labelled with the absolute current flowing on it. Notice that the flow from A to H through node G is 1 (all paths from A to H pass eventually through G), the flow through F is 0.4 (a proper subset of the paths from A to H go through F and these paths are generally longer than for G), and the flow through E is 0.13 (a proper subset of the paths from A to H go through E and these paths are generally longer than for F).

Finally, the current-flow betweenness centrality $b_i$ of node $i$ is the flow through $i$ averaged over all source-target pairs $(s,t)$:

$\displaystyle{b_i = \frac{\sum_{s < t} F_{i}^{(s,t)}}{(1/2) n (n-1)}}$

The computational complexity of computing current-flow centrality measures is the sum of the complexity of finding $G^+$, hence that of inverting a matrix of size the number of nodes of the graph, and the complexity of computing the centrality scores using the entries of $G^+$. Inverting a matrix of size $n$ costs $O(n^3)$. Computing the closeness scores costs $O(n)$, while computing the betweenness scores costs $O(n^2 (n+m))$. Hence, the complexity of current-flow closeness is $O(n^3)$ and that for current-flow betweenness is $O(n^2 (n+m))$ . This both for unweighted and weighted graphs. On the other hand, shortest-path measures cost $O(n (n+m))$ in the unweighted case, and $O(nm + n^2 \log n)$ in the weighted case.