Option pricing in a jump-diffusion model with large investor

Anna Lisa Amadori - Università di Roma La Sapienza

The aim of this work is to price by arbitrage contingent claims on an underlying asset with discontinuous path (modelized by a jump-diffusion process), in a market where the interest rate is influenced by agents' trading policy. The jump-diffusion model allows for discontinuous changes in prices as a consequence of external events like instability of exchange rate with foreign currencies, sudden changes in demand or offer of commodities, big factories' policy. On the other hand, it gives rise to a not complet market: we chose to add a new asset in order to grant completeness. Besides, the large investor model introduces nonlinear effects which may be successfully treated by means of P.D.E.~approach. We give a formal derivation of the integro-differential deterministic operator related with the price of contingent claims. Existence and uniqueness of viscosity solution for the final value problem realated with European option is obtained through Perron's method, via a comparison result. A penalization method gives similar results for the obstacle problem, related with American option. Some regularity results are given in both cases by means of an adaptation of the comparison principle.