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[2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003]

Journal of Commodity Science publishes original papers in all fields of commodity science and technology of goods production. It was published from 1962 to 1977 as "Quaderni di Merceologia" and from 1978 to 1997 as "Rivista di Merceologia". Journal of Commodity Science will publish both full length and short papers reporting original research which makes a significant contribution to commodity science and technology of goods production. Review articles on themes of topical interest are welcome.

The Journal accepts articles regarding:

- technical evaluation of the quality of goods by means of chemical and physical analyses in conformity with national and international regulations, with particular attention to commodity of food products;

- theory and practice of goods: origin, safety and quality;

- a technical and economic analysis of the course of productive and commercial goods: natural resources and raw materials, technological cycles of production, product characteristics, problems regarding discharge and recycling of goods at the end of their production cycle, environmental impact of production processes, historical aspects of goods and their commerce, historical aspects of production cycles;

- technology and economy of resources and raw materials, closely connected to energy production;

- problems of customs commodity science in relation to product commodity characteristics and to laws regulating their international commerce.


Manuscripts and enquiries should be directed to:
Prof. Mario Giaccio
Dipartimento di Scienze
Università "G. D'Annunzio"
Viale Pindaro, 42
65127 Pescara

To submit a manuscript to Journal of Commodity Science send:

  • THREE copies of the typescript which must be double-spaced throughout and a 3.5" High Density diskette. It would prefer manuscript be in Word 7.0 (or less) for Windows and Word 6.0 (or less) for Mac.
  • ONE complete set of illustrations comprising original line drawings and first class photographic prints intended for use by the printer in preparing the published version of your paper (identify each separate item with your name and short title of the paper). Mounted illustrations MUST NOT exceed A4 in size.
  • TWO complete sets of fully labelled illustrations, which may be of lesser quality unless this diminishes their scientific value, for use in the refereeing process (make sure that these are also identified with your name and paper title).
  • A cover letter which clearly states the name and address of the person with whom the Editors should correspond and which confirms explicitly that (a) all named authors have agreed to publication of the work, and (b) the manuscript does not infringe any other person's copyright or property rights.

The first page of your manuscript should show the title of the paper, names of authors and their affiliations and a short summary. Papers describing conventional experimental work should be set out in the five major sections: Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion. These major sections can be subdivided by up to three or four levels of subheading.

Experimental procedures: A basic assumption is that the paper describes research in sufficient detail for it to be repeatable by the reader. Consequently, all experimental methods should be described briefly, but in sufficient detail to allow the reader to reproduce the experiments. All materials must be available to others. This means that commercial sources must be identified.

Statistical treatment of results: numerical data which lack statistical analysis will be considered valueless. Data from a sufficient number of independent experiments should be reported to permit evaluation of the reproducibility and significance of results. When any significance is claimed, the test of significance used should be stated and an estimate of the probability given. If you use complex statistical transformations a few lines of explanation in plain English of the purpose and the outcome of the test should be provided.

Figures: All figures must be numbered consecutively in one series within the manuscript. This also applies to composite plates or montages, each component of which must be one of the consecutively-numbered figures. Figures should be sized to take up the minimum possible space. Colour photographic illustrations can be included if they are essential to the paper.

Reference citations in text: all reference citations must be cited in numerical order in the text with number in parenthesis on line.

Citations in list: references must be listed numerically at the end of the article in exactly the style of the examples shown below or see recent issue of Rivista di Merceologia. It is necessary to follow Chemical Abstracts for abbreviations of journal titles.


  • N. D'ALESSANDRO, "title of the paper", J. Agric. Food Chem. 1998, 46/2, 648-653.


  • P. GILLE, "title of the chapter", in Histoire Générale des Techniques, Tome II, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1965, 445-480.


  • V.L. SINGLETON, P. ESAU, title of the book, Academic Press, New York, 1969, pagg. 282.


  • AOAC, Official Method of Analysis: Spectrophotometric Method for Tannin 952.03, 15th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, 1990.